Dr. Wiqar Shah has delivered many seminars in various academic institutions both at national and international levels. In Pakistan, he gave seminars at the University of Peshawar (Peshawar), International Islamic University (Islamabad), Allama Iqbal Open University (Islamabad), Bacha Khan University (Charsadda), Lawrence College (Murree), Shah Abdul Latif University (Khairpur, Sindh), Bacha Khan Markaz (Peshawar), Pakistan National Council of Arts (Islamabad), and at the Quaid-i-Azam University (Islamabad). At international level, Prof. Shah’s seminars were held at the University of Heidelberg (Germany), University of Erfurt (Germany), Humboldt University (Berlin, Germany), Wildbad Kreuth (Munich, Germany), Afghanistan- German Relations (Hamburg, Germany), Social Sciences Research Council (Berlin, Germany), University of Bonn (Germany), Urdu- German Cultural Society (Frankfurt, Germany), Center for South Asian Studies (Paris, France), University of Oxford (United Kingdom), University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), Wilton Park (London, United Kingdom), University of Rajasthan (Jaipur, India), Social Sciences Research Council (Goa, India), Jamia Millia Delhi (India), Social Science Research Council (Negombo, Sri Lanka), University of Calcutta (India) and Social Sciences Research Council (Dubai).
A brief account of a few seminars (List of total 81 seminars attached below) is enlisted below with gallery of pictures and videos for viewers to experience the lively moments of the seminars. As quoted by one of Dr. Wiqar Shah’s colleague,
“It was commonly stated about Prof Shah’s lectures that lets go and listen to the living history. His excellent narration of historical facts and analysis impressed and inspired every student and teacher in the hall. In one of his recent lectures, I am witness to the fact where faculty members outnumbered the students” – Dr. Faheem Ullah Khan (IR Assistant Professor).

role of women in nationalist movement Bacha Khan week 2020 bacha khan markaz (Peshawar)
Seminar arranged by Bacha Khan Markaz on 25th January 2020 on Women Rights and their role in the lead cause put forward by Abdul Ghaffar Khan popularly known as Bacha Khan and the Khudai Khidmatgars. Prof. Dr. Sayed Wiqar Ali Shah Kakakhel from the Quaid-i-Azam University spoke on the Khudai Khidmatgar Movement and the role of Pashtoon women in the nationalist movement. He elaborated upon in detail the articulation of Bacha Khan and his direct approach of the uplift of women in the Pashtoon society. Bacha Khan was convinced and often used to say that an educated woman is an asset to the country and society.
In the traditional tribal societies women are always considered as second class citizens. Bacha Khan urged upon the Pashtoons to give their women an honorable place because if they want to get rid of the British Colonization, they need the utmost services of their women folk.
Prof. Shah also provided details that from day one when the Khudai Khidmatgar Movement was launched, and even before that, the women were treated at par with men by the Khudai Khidmatgar leader who advised his followers/companions to follow him in this connection which they did. They sent their daughters to school and set an example for other Pashtoons to follow them. Prof. Shah gave examples of prominent Khudai Khidmatgars who played an active role in imparting knowledge to their daughters who later on played major roles in the Pashtoon society being doctors, educationalists, politicians and social workers.

SEMINAR ON WITNESS TO HISTORY: A Personal Account of Soviet Invasion in Afghanistan (26.12.2019)
witness to History: A Personal account of, and Reflection upon, the soviet invasion of Afghanistan
Quaid-i-azam university (Islamabad)
Prof. Dr. Sayed Wiqar Ali Shah was an eye witness to the revolution when the Red Army marched into Kabul on the fateful winter night of 27th December, 1979. Prof. Shah was at Kabul and he mesmerized the audience with his narration of the eye-witness account of the Soviet troops arrival at Kabul that cold night of December, ouster and assassination of Hafizullah Amin from power and its occupation of Kabul.
Part 1 (video) is about Afghanistan’s history specifically and Part 2 (video) is more the personal account and an eye-witness account to the events occurring at that time.

SEMINAR ON Non-violence, Abdul Ghaffar Khan and the pashtoons (02.10.2019)
Non-violence, Bacha khan and the pashtoons
quaid-i-azam university
“Nonviolence is a power and has an army just like violence. but its weapon is preaching while the weapon of violence is gun” – (Abdul Ghaffar Khan known as Bacha Khan).
In honor of international non-violence day, the Pashtoon Student Council of Quaid-i-Azam University arranged this seminar on 2nd October 2019. The main speaker was Prof. Dr. Sayed Wiqar Ali Shah, who is an international expert on Abdul Ghaffar Khan and the Khudai Khidmatgar Movement.

SEMINAR ON Qissa Khwani Massacre - April 1930 (23.04.2019)
a forgotten chapter of history
quaid-i-azam University, islamabad
In remembrance of the Martyrs of Peshawar who sacrificed themselves for the great freedom which the South Asians enjoy today. Unfortunately the exact number of those who lost their lives were not given in our history books. This was an authentic seminar on the Qissa Khwani bazar Peshawar massacre of 23rd April 1930. An article was also published by Dr. Shah entitled “The 1930 Civil Disobedience Movement in Peshawar Valley from the Pashtoon Perspective” which tells how innocent and unarmed people were brutally massacred by the Colonialists.

Seminar on the life and times of Abdul Ghani Khan (15.01.2019)
Abdul Ghani Khan: his life and times
"Living nations never forget their elders" - Ghani khan
quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad
“Pearls by millions I would gladly cede,
For the sake of tears borne of love and grief.
Death, go somewhere, get lost!
I’m not done as yet –Joy still flows from the amphora of colors into my cupped hands.” – Ghani Khan
On account of Ghani Khan’s 105th Birthday, Pashtoon Student Council of Quaid-i-Azam University arranged a seminar on Ghani Khan’s Life time. Prof. Dr. Sayed Wiqar Ali Shah elaborated on the life and times of Abdul Ghani Khan; particularly his life in Shantiniketan (Calcutta) under the great influential poet and the Noble Laureate – Rabindra Nath Tagore, his encounters with great Indian leaders including Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and many others. Ghani Khan’s political life was the main focus of the talk.
“Zor hasay peghor shee che himmat warsara mal na shi
wrak agha mashaal shaa che tayara shi au day bal na shi”
Translation: “What is power if not a taunt when not combined with courage
Of what use is a torch at all, which fails to light when darkness falls”

Seminar on Sindh- History and Culture (21.11.2015)
Identity Crisis and the Responsibilities of the present historians of pakistan
shah abdul latif university (khairpur, sindh)
Scholars from across the country and abroad presented their research papers on culture, history, literature, language, Sufism, freedom movement, economy, gender and politics of Sindh in this conference.
The international conference on history and culture of Sindh was jointly organized by the Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, and the National Institute of Historical and Cultural Research, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, in collaboration with the Higher Education Commission, Islamabad.
During the conference, Professor Dr. Wiqar Ali Shah challenged some notions of what is seen as “Pakistan’s history” and argued that there is a need to rewrite history with a special focus on regional history. Dr. Shah presented his paper, entitled “Identity Crisis and the Responsibilities of the Present Pakistani Historians”, and being an author of 12 books, he commented that historians should focus on the progressive leaders of India and Pakistan and that there was a need of deep emphasis on the rewriting of national history with primary focus on the regional history of Pakistan.

Pakistan Resolution Day 1940 - celebration (23.03.2019)
23rd march 1940 Pakistan resolution day
lawrence college (murree)
The celebrations for Pakistan Day at Lawrence College started with much enthusiasm and zeal on the 23rd of March 2019.
Prof. Dr. Sayed Wiqar Ali Shah was invited as the Chief Guest in honor of the event. He said that the day can be observed with happiness and joy, but it’s time to realize the message and purpose behind these celebrations; to rededicate ourselves to the cause of Pakistan and to be grateful to Allah Almighty for the biggest blessing that is Pakistan. He stressed upon the need of wiping out the menace of terrorism and extremism from the country and achieving sustainable development and progress. He also emphasized on rekindling the spirit of patriotism and being free from the prejudices of caste, colour or creed. He said that we need to face the challenges and advised the students to contribute to nation-building by focusing on studies, acquiring maximum knowledge and acquiring an excellent character. He said we also need to focus on self-accountability instead of being judgmental and finding faults with others. He named peace icons including Abdul Ghaffar Khan, Abdur Sattar Edhi, Mother Theressa, and Nelson Mandela as lead models to bring peace, stability and harmony in the society and country. The concluding talk by Dr. Shah left the audience majorly students with a new spirit of patriotism and optimism.

Seminar on mother Tongues at PNCA (20.02.2019)
Mother Tongue Day
Pakistan National Council of arts (Islamabad)
To commemorate the International Mother Language Day, the Pakistan National Council of Arts (PNCA) arranged an event on the 20th of February, 2019 where Prof. Dr. Wiqar Shah was one of the main speakers. He insisted upon the adoption of Pashto as one of the national languages of Pakistan and stressed the need of its learning especially amongst the Pashtoons. He warned that its neglect will put a negative effect on the whole nation. His motive at the end was: “Pashto Waya, Pashto Leeka, Pashto Lwala – Speak Pashto, Write Pashto, Read Pashto”.